1. Extensive Customer
Service Support
Value provided by the software developer and I,
we are available to troubleshoot problems and provide support on call. Rare
support that can not be duplicated because of exclusive knowledge on product. Not
imitable because of unique design by software developer and an insider understanding
of products not disclosed to non-buyers. This type of information system did
not exist when the anti-money laundering act passed. There is no substitute available
2. Email, website, or telephone communications
This has value because it provides our customers
a way to contact us. Rarity is lower because a lot of other firms have access to
these things. Imitability is high on this resource because almost everyone has
access to this in our area of operations. Substitutability is available through
our different mediums to align with customer preferences.
3. Access to technology
Value coming from our existing technology (computers,
software, and hardware) that we already own that we will use for development.
Rarity existing from the simplicity of technological development methods. Imitability is
much more achievable because of use of simple technology. That technology will
be substitutable and upgradeable.
4. AT&T Fiber Internet Connection
Valuable because this service is top of the line internet service and is limited to
certain areas and is going to be used in development. Rare because it is only
available in certain locations. Imitability is lower because of the locational
exclusivity. Substitutability is lower because there isn’t a service in our area that is
the same as this that will be available to use instead.
5. Lenovo, Dell and Toshiba business computers
Valuable technology that we will use in
development that we already possess. Rarity is lower because other firms may
have the same or different computers already. Imitability is high too because they
are inexpensive computers and can be purchased by almost anyone. Substitutability
in the different models we have for use.
6. Close Connections
Value coming from the ease of communication with
our services and customer support. Smaller team causing closer relationships.
Rarity coming from the barriers typically associated with customer support such
as anonymity. Imitability for close connections is high for smaller
organizations but increasingly difficult for large ones because of increasing
employment population. Other resources can provide similar consulting practices,
but we will have exclusive knowledge on our product.
7. Cross-cultural awareness
Value coming from the diverse cultural awareness
and understanding we already have. Rare because not all firms have a diverse
background and mindset. Cross-cultural awareness is usually achieved easier in
larger organizations. Imitability is going to be low because it will be hard to
replicate the diversity we have learned over the years.
8. Potential for expansive development
Value is huge because we are wiling to make
changes and improvements over time. Rarity is not a top factor because other
organizations continue developing information systems too. Imitability should be
low because of complexity and exclusivity of our product to non-buyers.
9. Financial Stability
Value is a top factor because of use of returns
to continue development and innovation. Rarity coming from the few expenses that
will result from operation. Imitability is not impossible because other
organizations may have a longer financial history and reserve.
10. Passion for service
Value coming from the heart of our
organizational culture. Rare because of the complexity the services provided. Imitability
is high because of shared beliefs in services. This will not be easily substituted
because of the unavailability of alternate information systems.
Our top resource is the first one. The complexity of the
information system may cause a lot of problems and necessary troubleshooting.
We are prepared to handle all requests and provide the best service to you. We
are going to make sure you get the information you need, and the feedback will
be used in further development guidelines.